Memo Spoken Numbers


Memo Spoken Numbers generates and speaks out numbers, which you should try to remember. Afterwards you type in the numbers as you remembered them, and see which numbers you remembered correctly. You can choose how many numbers you want and the delay in milliseconds. You use this program to train your memory. It is written in Python, PyQt4 and pygame and will probably run almost any place Python and PyQt4 runs. Screenshot More screenshots can be seen at the screenshot page.


13. June 2010 - Memo Spoken Numbers in the Arch User Repository

There now exists a package for Memo Spoken Numbers in the Arch User Repository.

25. April 2009 - Version 1.0.0

The first stable version of Memo Spoken Numbers.

21. December 2008 - Version 0.7

The command line version is again available.

24. November 2008 - Version 0.6

New and better sound system from pygame.

19. November 2008 - Version 0.5

Memo Spoken Numbers can now not only speak random numbers, it can also speak numerical constants and custom numbers. It is also possible to use different numeral systems, binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal are supported.

Getting it

Memo Spoken Numbers can be downloaded from its download page at


Before you install it, make sure you have Python, PyQt4 and pygame installed, if not get them from your software repository or from, and PyQt4 is only required to use the GUI version of Memo Spoken Numbers, so if you only want to use the CLI version you do not need PyQt4. There are three ways to install Memo Spoken Numbers. One method is to use the source distribution, this method should work on any system. If you are running archlinux you can install it from the Arch User Repository. If you are using windows you can use the windows installer.

Source distribution

Download the source distribution, memospokennum-*.tar.gz, untar it and run the file.

tar xzvf memospokennum-*.tar.gz
cd memospokennum*
python install 

Arch User Repository

See for details.

Windows Installer

Download the windows installer memospokennum-*.win32.exe and run it.

Running it

To run the GUI version of Memo Spoken Numbers type this at the command line:


You can of course make a graphical program launcher to it if you like. On some systems (Windows) the PATH environment variable may not be correctly set and you either have to use the full path to python and/or spokennum_gui.pyw or include their path in the the PATH environment variable. spokennum_gui.pyw get placed where distutils places scripts on your system, some common places are /usr/bin , /usr/local/bin and c:\Python25\Scripts .

To run the CLI version of Memo Spoken Numbers type this at the command line:


Audio files

Memo Spoken Numbers only contains audio files in English and Norwegian (Nynorsk). If you like you can use your own files. The format used by Memo Spoken Numbers are Ogg Vorbis 44100 Hz, 1 ch, s16le. To use your own files place 0-15.ogg in a directory and make Memo Spoken Numbers use them by selecting that directory in Edit -> Preferences. If you make new audio files please consider contributing them to the project specially if they are in a language Memo Spoken Numbers is missing.


Only a few constants are distributed along with Memo Spoken Numbers, but it is not limited to those constants. You can add your own constants by making a text file containing digits of the constant, naming it with the name of the constant with a .con ending and putting it in the directory where Memo Spoken Numbers is looking for constants. You can find out where it is, and change the directory if you like, by going to Edit -> Preferences. The text files can contain any characters, but anything other than 0-9, a-f and A-F will be ignored.


Help is needed to translate Memo Spoken Numbers in to new languages, both text and audio. You can also help out by testing it and submitting bug reports. Bug reports and feature requests should be filed in the tracker. Logo